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Riverstone - 2007 (Roll: 48,778)
Retained by Labor Party
Preferences counted to completion
Candidate Party Votes % Final %
Pettitt, Tony Independent 1,607 3.62
Conolly, Kevin Liberal Party 15,589 35.11 16,568 39.93
Jarecki, Sheryl Greens 1,918 4.32
Atkins, Ronald Australians Against Further Immigration 1,474 3.32
Aquilina, John (Re-elected) Labor Party 23,809 53.63 24,925 60.07
Formal Votes 44,397
Informal / Exhausted Votes 1,346 2.94 2,904 6.54
Total Votes / Turnout 45,743 93.78

Distribution of Preferences
Exclusion 1
Atkins (AFI)
Exclusion 2
Pettitt (IND)
Exclusion 3
Jarecki (GRN)
PreferencesNew Totals PreferencesNew Totals PreferencesNew Totals
Votes%Votes% Votes%Votes% Votes%Votes%
Pettitt (IND) 146 25.66 1753 4.03 -1753
Conolly (LIB) 139 24.43 15728 36.16 402 45.53 16130 37.84 438 36.71 16568 39.93
Jarecki (GRN) 127 22.32 2045 4.70 277 31.37 2322 5.45 -2322
Atkins (AFI) -1474
Aquilina (ALP) 157 27.59 23966 55.10 204 23.10 24170 56.71 755 63.29 24925 60.07
Votes In Count 569 43492 883 42622 1193 41493
Exhausted 905 61.40 905 2.04 870 49.63 1775 4.00 1129 48.62 2904 6.54