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Ku-ring-gai - 2007 (Roll: 46,891)
Retained by Liberal Party
Preferences counted to completion
Candidate Party Votes % Final %
Wiszniewski, Witold Christian Democrat 1,402 3.30
Macarthur-King, Adrian Labor Party 5,839 13.75 7,965 21.01
O'Farrell, Barry (Re-elected) Liberal Party 27,831 65.55 29,939 78.99
Sun, Michael Unity 790 1.86
Tsoulos, Jeannette Australian Democrat 1,002 2.36
Gemmell, Susie Greens 5,592 13.17
Formal Votes 42,456
Informal / Exhausted Votes 857 1.98 4,552 10.72
Total Votes / Turnout 43,313 92.37

Distribution of Preferences
Exclusion 1
Sun (UNI)
Exclusion 2
Tsoulos (DEM)
Exclusion 3
Wiszniewski (CDP)
PreferencesNew Totals PreferencesNew Totals PreferencesNew Totals
Votes%Votes% Votes%Votes% Votes%Votes%
Wiszniewski (CDP) 18 6.00 1420 3.38 30 4.64 1450 3.49 -1450
Macarthur-King (ALP) 73 24.33 5912 14.09 82 12.69 5994 14.42 165 17.80 6159 15.01
O'Farrell (LIB) 112 37.33 27943 66.58 143 22.14 28086 67.57 665 71.74 28751 70.05
Sun (UNI) -790
Tsoulos (DEM) 42 14.00 1044 2.49 -1044
Gemmell (GRN) 55 18.33 5647 13.46 391 60.53 6038 14.53 97 10.46 6135 14.95
Votes In Count 300 41966 646 41568 927 41045
Exhausted 490 62.03 490 1.15 398 38.12 888 2.09 523 36.07 1411 3.32

Distribution of Preferences - part 2
Exclusion 4
Gemmell (GRN)
PreferencesNew Totals
Macarthur-King (ALP) 1806 60.32 7965 21.01
O'Farrell (LIB) 1188 39.68 29939 78.99
Gemmell (GRN) -6135
Votes In Count 2994 37904
Exhausted 3141 51.20 4552 10.72