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Heffron - 2007 (Roll: 47,479)
Retained by Labor Party
Preferences counted to completion
Candidate Party Votes % Final %
Keneally, Kristina (Re-elected) Labor Party 23,066 56.45 27,371 73.67
Spies-Butcher, Ben Greens 8,031 19.65
Cogan, James - 875 2.14
Nash, Scott Liberal Party 8,889 21.75 9,783 26.33
Formal Votes 40,861
Informal / Exhausted Votes 1,549 3.65 3,707 9.07
Total Votes / Turnout 42,410 89.32

Distribution of Preferences
Exclusion 1
Cogan (-)
Exclusion 2
Spies-Butcher (GRN)
PreferencesNew Totals PreferencesNew Totals
Votes%Votes% Votes%Votes%
Keneally (ALP) 104 25.68 23170 57.36 4201 83.99 27371 73.67
Spies-Butcher (GRN) 208 51.36 8239 20.40 -8239
Cogan (-) -875
Nash (LIB) 93 22.96 8982 22.24 801 16.01 9783 26.33
Votes In Count 405 40391 5002 37154
Exhausted 470 53.71 470 1.15 3237 39.29 3707 9.07