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Illawarra - 2003 (Roll: 46,160)
Retained by Labor Party
Preferences counted to completion
Candidate Party Votes % Final %
Kennedy, Robert One Nation 1,149 2.75
Saliba, Marianne (Re-elected) Labor Party 23,270 55.72 26,135 74.79
Mifsud, Charles Independent 1,643 3.93
Johanson, Margaret The Greens 4,270 10.22
Williams, Chris Socialist Alliance 187 0.45
Cipov, John Aust. Against Further Immigration 588 1.41
Hennessy, Barry Independent 1,848 4.42
Heycott, Bill Independent 465 1.11
Caldwell, Benjamin Liberal Party 6,372 15.26 8,808 25.21
Harris, Richard Christian Democrats 1,973 4.72
Formal Votes 41,765
Informal / Exhausted Votes 1,612 3.72 6,822 16.33
Total Votes / Turnout 43,377 93.97

Distribution of Preferences
Exclusion 1
Williams (SA)
Exclusion 2
Heycott (IND)
Exclusion 3
Cipov (AFI)
PreferencesNew Totals PreferencesNew Totals PreferencesNew Totals
Votes%Votes% Votes%Votes% Votes%Votes%
Kennedy (ONP) 4 3.88 1153 2.77 12 6.70 1165 2.81 41 25.62 1206 2.94
Saliba (ALP) 12 11.65 23282 55.86 16 8.94 23298 56.29 38 23.75 23336 56.98
Mifsud (IND) 6 5.83 1649 3.96 12 6.70 1661 4.01 6 3.75 1667 4.07
Johanson (GRN) 60 58.25 4330 10.39 9 5.03 4339 10.48 28 17.50 4367 10.66
Williams (SA) -187
Cipov (AFI) 2 1.94 590 1.42 8 4.47 598 1.44 -598
Hennessy (IND) 9 8.74 1857 4.46 88 49.16 1945 4.70 27 16.88 1972 4.82
Heycott (IND) 5 4.85 470 1.13 -470
Caldwell (LIB) 3 2.91 6375 15.29 28 15.64 6403 15.47 16 10.00 6419 15.67
Harris (CDP) 2 1.94 1975 4.74 6 3.35 1981 4.79 4 2.50 1985 4.85
Votes In Count 103 41681 179 41390 160 40952
Exhausted 84 44.92 84 0.20 291 61.91 375 0.90 438 73.24 813 1.95

Distribution of Preferences - part 2
Exclusion 4
Kennedy (ONP)
Exclusion 5
Mifsud (IND)
Exclusion 6
Harris (CDP)
PreferencesNew Totals PreferencesNew Totals PreferencesNew Totals
Votes%Votes% Votes%Votes% Votes%Votes%
Kennedy (ONP) -1206
Saliba (ALP) 197 41.21 23533 58.50 133 16.32 23666 60.22 207 17.53 23873 62.12
Mifsud (IND) 72 15.06 1739 4.32 -1739
Johanson (GRN) 64 13.39 4431 11.02 101 12.39 4532 11.53 57 4.83 4589 11.94
Hennessy (IND) 55 11.51 2027 5.04 459 56.32 2486 6.33 85 7.20 2571 6.69
Caldwell (LIB) 51 10.67 6470 16.08 95 11.66 6565 16.70 832 70.45 7397 19.25
Harris (CDP) 39 8.16 2024 5.03 27 3.31 2051 5.22 -2051
Votes In Count 478 40224 815 39300 1181 38430
Exhausted 728 60.36 1541 3.69 924 53.13 2465 5.90 870 42.42 3335 7.99

Distribution of Preferences - part 3
Exclusion 7
Hennessy (IND)
Exclusion 8
Johanson (GRN)
PreferencesNew Totals PreferencesNew Totals
Votes%Votes% Votes%Votes%
Saliba (ALP) 321 21.54 24194 64.78 1941 64.64 26135 74.79
Johanson (GRN) 820 55.03 5409 14.48 -5409
Hennessy (IND) -2571
Caldwell (LIB) 349 23.42 7746 20.74 1062 35.36 8808 25.21
Votes In Count 1490 37349 3003 34943
Exhausted 1081 42.05 4416 10.57 2406 44.48 6822 16.33