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Albury - 2003 (Roll: 42,982)
Retained by Liberal Party
Preferences required, Preferences counted to completion
Candidate Party Votes % Final %
Wilton, Heather Independent 599 1.57
Douglas, Claire Independent 8,595 22.48 12,059 38.49
Morgans, John One Nation 321 0.84
Schwarze, Gail Christian Democrats 518 1.35
Ballard, Robert Independent 5,267 13.78
Aplin, Greg (Elected) Liberal Party 16,826 44.01 19,275 61.51
Mathews, Nico Country Labor 4,710 12.32
Stonehouse, Darran The Greens 1,092 2.86
Galey, Sue Aust. Against Further Immigration 305 0.80
Formal Votes 38,233
Informal / Exhausted Votes 975 2.49 6,899 18.04
Total Votes / Turnout 39,208 91.22
Notes: Liberal MP Ian Glachan retired.

Distribution of Preferences
Exclusion 1
Galey (AFI)
Exclusion 2
Morgans (ONP)
Exclusion 3
Schwarze (CDP)
PreferencesNew Totals PreferencesNew Totals PreferencesNew Totals
Votes%Votes% Votes%Votes% Votes%Votes%
Wilton (IND) 4 4.30 603 1.59 18 14.17 621 1.64 16 4.88 637 1.69
Douglas (IND) 6 6.45 8601 22.62 24 18.90 8625 22.81 51 15.55 8676 23.07
Morgans (ONP) 18 19.35 339 0.89 -339
Schwarze (CDP) 6 6.45 524 1.38 11 8.66 535 1.42 -535
Ballard (IND) 11 11.83 5278 13.88 15 11.81 5293 14.00 84 25.61 5377 14.30
Aplin (LIB) 17 18.28 16843 44.30 33 25.98 16876 44.63 158 48.17 17034 45.30
Mathews (CLR) 16 17.20 4726 12.43 18 14.17 4744 12.55 11 3.35 4755 12.65
Stonehouse (GRN) 15 16.13 1107 2.91 8 6.30 1115 2.95 8 2.44 1123 2.99
Galey (AFI) -305
Votes In Count 93 38021 127 37809 328 37602
Exhausted 212 69.51 212 0.55 212 62.54 424 1.11 207 38.69 631 1.65

Distribution of Preferences - part 2
Exclusion 4
Wilton (IND)
Exclusion 5
Stonehouse (GRN)
Exclusion 6
Mathews (CLR)
PreferencesNew Totals PreferencesNew Totals PreferencesNew Totals
Votes%Votes% Votes%Votes% Votes%Votes%
Wilton (IND) -637
Douglas (IND) 142 40.46 8818 23.63 314 53.86 9132 24.84 1913 67.45 11045 31.84
Ballard (IND) 92 26.21 5469 14.66 76 13.04 5545 15.08 579 20.42 6124 17.66
Aplin (LIB) 80 22.79 17114 45.86 60 10.29 17174 46.71 344 12.13 17518 50.50
Mathews (CLR) 26 7.41 4781 12.81 133 22.81 4914 13.37 -4914
Stonehouse (GRN) 11 3.13 1134 3.04 -1134
Votes In Count 351 37316 583 36765 2836 34687
Exhausted 286 44.90 917 2.40 551 48.59 1468 3.84 2078 42.29 3546 9.27

Distribution of Preferences - part 3
Exclusion 7
Ballard (IND)
PreferencesNew Totals
Douglas (IND) 1014 36.59 12059 38.49
Ballard (IND) -6124
Aplin (LIB) 1757 63.41 19275 61.51
Votes In Count 2771 31334
Exhausted 3353 54.75 6899 18.04