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Lake Macquarie - 1999 (Roll: 45,039)
Retained by Labor Party
Preferences counted to completion
Candidate Party Votes % Final %
Boulton, Bob Aust. Against Further Immigration 912 2.19
Payne, Don Liberal Party 9,333 22.41 11,134 30.76
Gourlay, Ros Christian Democrats 1,370 3.29
Johnson, Robert One Nation 5,073 12.18
Hunter, Jeff (Re-elected) Labor Party 22,821 54.81 25,065 69.24
Blyth, David The Greens 2,130 5.12
Formal Votes 41,639
Informal / Exhausted Votes 898 2.11 5,440 13.06
Total Votes / Turnout 42,537 94.44

Distribution of Preferences
Exclusion 1
Boulton (AFI)
Exclusion 2
Gourlay (CDP)
Exclusion 3
Blyth (GRN)
PreferencesNew Totals PreferencesNew Totals PreferencesNew Totals
Votes%Votes% Votes%Votes% Votes%Votes%
Boulton (AFI) -912
Payne (LIB) 144 34.45 9477 23.03 315 41.83 9792 24.18 240 20.82 10032 25.47
Gourlay (CDP) 29 6.94 1399 3.40 -1399
Johnson (ONP) 106 25.36 5179 12.59 149 19.79 5328 13.16 168 14.57 5496 13.95
Hunter (ALP) 77 18.42 22898 55.65 213 28.29 23111 57.07 745 64.61 23856 60.57
Blyth (GRN) 62 14.83 2192 5.33 76 10.09 2268 5.60 -2268
Votes In Count 418 41145 753 40499 1153 39384
Exhausted 494 54.17 494 1.19 646 46.18 1140 2.74 1115 49.16 2255 5.42

Distribution of Preferences - part 2
Exclusion 4
Johnson (ONP)
PreferencesNew Totals
Payne (LIB) 1102 47.68 11134 30.76
Johnson (ONP) -5496
Hunter (ALP) 1209 52.32 25065 69.24
Votes In Count 2311 36199
Exhausted 3185 57.95 5440 13.06