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Southern Highlands - 1995 (Roll: 38,826)
Retained by Liberal Party
Preferences counted to completion
Candidate Party Votes % Final %
Butler, Greg Australian Democrats 1,619 4.55
Sullivan, Ken Labor Party 11,584 32.54 13,711 39.63
Watchirs, Kevin The Greens 2,014 5.66
Fahey, John (Re-elected) Liberal Party 19,421 54.56 20,886 60.37
Simos, Peter Call to Australia 956 2.69
Formal Votes 35,594
Informal / Exhausted Votes 1,400 3.78 997 2.80
Total Votes / Turnout 36,994 95.28

Distribution of Preferences
Exclusion 1
Simos (CTA)
Exclusion 2
Butler (DEM)
Exclusion 3
Watchirs (GRN)
PreferencesNew Totals PreferencesNew Totals PreferencesNew Totals
Votes%Votes% Votes%Votes% Votes%Votes%
Butler (DEM) 53 7.02 1672 4.72 -1672
Sullivan (ALP) 112 14.83 11696 33.05 529 38.70 12225 34.84 1486 70.39 13711 39.63
Watchirs (GRN) 62 8.21 2076 5.87 526 38.48 2602 7.42 -2602
Fahey (LIB) 528 69.93 19949 56.36 312 22.82 20261 57.74 625 29.61 20886 60.37
Simos (CTA) -956
Votes In Count 755 35393 1367 35088 2111 34597
Exhausted 201 21.03 201 0.56 305 18.24 506 1.42 491 18.87 997 2.80