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Marrickville - 1995 (Roll: 38,346)
Retained by Labor Party
Preferences required, Preferences counted to completion
Candidate Party Votes % Final %
Passmore, Keiran Australian Democrats 1,798 5.49
Fletcher, Karen Democratic Socialists 450 1.37
Refshauge, Andrew (Re-elected) Labor Party 15,587 47.57 18,022 60.45
Welch, Bruce The Greens 2,394 7.31
Butler, Kevin No Aircraft Noise 7,748 23.65 11,790 39.55
Kurfurst, Meira Independent 442 1.35
Henderson, Ken Liberal Party 4,346 13.26
Formal Votes 32,765
Informal / Exhausted Votes 1,962 5.65 2,953 9.01
Total Votes / Turnout 34,727 90.56

Distribution of Preferences
Exclusion 1
Kurfurst (IND)
Exclusion 2
Fletcher (DSL)
Exclusion 3
Passmore (DEM)
PreferencesNew Totals PreferencesNew Totals PreferencesNew Totals
Votes%Votes% Votes%Votes% Votes%Votes%
Passmore (DEM) 94 31.23 1892 5.80 80 21.74 1972 6.06 -1972
Fletcher (DSL) 7 2.33 457 1.40 -457
Refshauge (ALP) 45 14.95 15632 47.92 71 19.29 15703 48.26 723 45.27 16426 51.08
Welch (GRN) 51 16.94 2445 7.49 150 40.76 2595 7.98 549 34.38 3144 9.78
Butler (NAN) 61 20.27 7809 23.94 60 16.30 7869 24.19 241 15.09 8110 25.22
Kurfurst (IND) -442
Henderson (LIB) 43 14.29 4389 13.45 7 1.90 4396 13.51 84 5.26 4480 13.93
Votes In Count 301 32624 368 32535 1597 32160
Exhausted 141 31.90 141 0.43 89 19.47 230 0.70 375 19.02 605 1.85

Distribution of Preferences - part 2
Exclusion 4
Welch (GRN)
Exclusion 5
Henderson (LIB)
PreferencesNew Totals PreferencesNew Totals
Votes%Votes% Votes%Votes%
Refshauge (ALP) 1011 40.36 17437 55.32 585 20.05 18022 60.45
Welch (GRN) -3144
Butler (NAN) 1347 53.77 9457 30.00 2333 79.95 11790 39.55
Henderson (LIB) 147 5.87 4627 14.68 -4627
Votes In Count 2505 31521 2918 29812
Exhausted 639 20.32 1244 3.80 1709 36.94 2953 9.01