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Manly - 1995 (Roll: 37,946)
Retained by Independent
Preferences required, Preferences counted to completion, Preferences changed primary result, No absolute majority for winning candidate
Candidate Party Votes % Final %
Green, Brian Labor Party 4,666 13.53
Oldfield, David Liberal Party 15,343 44.48 16,433 49.63
Macdonald, Peter (Re-elected) Independent 13,092 37.95 16,676 50.37
Swan, John Call to Australia 516 1.50
Dee, Peter Australian Democrats 877 2.54
Formal Votes 34,494
Informal / Exhausted Votes 1,117 3.14 1,385 4.02
Total Votes / Turnout 35,611 93.85
Notes: David Oldfield was elected to the Legislative Council as a One Nation MP in 1999.

Distribution of Preferences
Exclusion 1
Swan (CTA)
Exclusion 2
Dee (DEM)
Exclusion 3
Green (ALP)
PreferencesNew Totals PreferencesNew Totals PreferencesNew Totals
Votes%Votes% Votes%Votes% Votes%Votes%
Green (ALP) 29 7.00 4695 13.65 183 28.02 4878 14.29 -4878
Oldfield (LIB) 215 51.93 15558 45.24 175 26.80 15733 46.10 700 18.13 16433 49.63
Macdonald (IND) 127 30.68 13219 38.44 295 45.18 13514 39.60 3162 81.87 16676 50.37
Swan (CTA) -516
Dee (DEM) 43 10.39 920 2.68 -920
Votes In Count 414 34392 653 34125 3862 33109
Exhausted 102 19.77 102 0.30 267 29.02 369 1.07 1016 20.83 1385 4.02