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Liverpool - 1991 (Roll: 36,795)
Retained by Labor Party
Preferences counted to completion
Candidate Party Votes % Final %
Anderson, Peter (Re-elected) Labor Party 16,777 57.63 17,981 66.50
Robinson, Susan Australian Democrats 932 3.20
Arora, Gloria Liberal Party 6,921 23.78 9,060 33.50
Perish, Albert Citizens Electoral Council 150 0.52
Beams, Nick Socialist Labour League 311 1.07
Harrington, Colin Independent 4,019 13.81
Formal Votes 29,110
Informal / Exhausted Votes 4,943 14.52 2,069 7.11
Total Votes / Turnout 34,053 92.55

Distribution of Preferences
Exclusion 1
Perish (CEC)
Exclusion 2
Beams (SLL)
Exclusion 3
Robinson (DEM)
PreferencesNew Totals PreferencesNew Totals PreferencesNew Totals
Votes%Votes% Votes%Votes% Votes%Votes%
Anderson (ALP) 10 10.87 16787 57.78 163 63.67 16950 58.52 236 45.47 17186 60.24
Robinson (DEM) 9 9.78 941 3.24 15 5.86 956 3.30 -956
Arora (LIB) 23 25.00 6944 23.90 17 6.64 6961 24.03 109 21.00 7070 24.78
Perish (CEC) -150
Beams (SLL) 32 34.78 343 1.18 -343
Harrington (IND) 18 19.57 4037 13.90 61 23.83 4098 14.15 174 33.53 4272 14.97
Votes In Count 92 29052 256 28965 519 28528
Exhausted 58 38.67 58 0.20 87 25.36 145 0.50 437 45.71 582 2.00

Distribution of Preferences - part 2
Exclusion 4
Harrington (IND)
PreferencesNew Totals
Anderson (ALP) 795 28.55 17981 66.50
Arora (LIB) 1990 71.45 9060 33.50
Harrington (IND) -4272
Votes In Count 2785 27041
Exhausted 1487 34.81 2069 7.11