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Georges River - 1988 (Roll: 32,089)
Liberal Party gain from Labor Party
Preferences required, Preferences counted to completion, Preferences changed primary result
Candidate Party Votes % Final %
Walker, Francis John (Defeated) Labor Party 12,615 41.86 13,883 47.92
Griffiths, Terence Allan (Elected) Liberal Party 12,018 39.88 15,087 52.08
Pickering, William Francis Independent 4,162 13.81
Meyer, Brian Stuart Independent 287 0.95
Giegerl, Beverley Independent 1,051 3.49
Formal Votes 30,133
Informal / Exhausted Votes 820 2.65 1,163 3.86
Total Votes / Turnout 30,953 96.46

Distribution of Preferences
Exclusion 1
Meyer (IND)
Exclusion 2
Giegerl (IND)
Exclusion 3
Pickering (IND)
PreferencesNew Totals PreferencesNew Totals PreferencesNew Totals
Votes%Votes% Votes%Votes% Votes%Votes%
Walker (ALP) 55 23.50 12670 42.12 531 57.10 13201 44.24 682 18.74 13883 47.92
Griffiths (LIB) 18 7.69 12036 40.01 93 10.00 12129 40.65 2958 81.26 15087 52.08
Pickering (IND) 43 18.38 4205 13.98 306 32.90 4511 15.12 -4511
Meyer (IND) -287
Giegerl (IND) 118 50.43 1169 3.89 -1169
Votes In Count 234 30080 930 29841 3640 28970
Exhausted 53 18.47 53 0.18 239 20.44 292 0.97 871 19.31 1163 3.86