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North Shore - 1984 (Roll: 30,257)
Retained by Independent
Preferences required, Preferences counted to completion
Candidate Party Votes % Final %
Skinner, Jillian Liberal Party 10,850 41.20 11,037 42.32
Mack, Edward (Re-elected) Independent 11,122 42.23 15,043 57.68
Semmler, Peter Labor Party 4,365 16.57
Formal Votes 26,337
Informal / Exhausted Votes 436 1.63 257 0.98
Total Votes / Turnout 26,773 88.49

Distribution of Preferences
Exclusion 1
Semmler (ALP)
PreferencesNew Totals
Skinner (LIB) 187 4.55 11037 42.32
Mack (IND) 3921 95.45 15043 57.68
Semmler (ALP) -4365
Votes In Count 4108 26080
Exhausted 257 5.89 257 0.98