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North Sydney - 1947 (Roll: 25,777)
Retained by Labor Party
Preferences required, Preferences counted to completion
Candidate Party Votes % Final %
Geraghty, James Leo (Re-elected) Labor Party 11,867 49.30 12,717 52.83
Travers, William Holmes Liberal Party 11,105 46.13 11,355 47.17
Wood, William Arnold Whitfield Communist 1,100 4.57
Formal Votes 24,072
Informal Votes 332 1.36
Total Votes / Turnout 24,404 94.67

Distribution of Preferences
Exclusion 1
Wood (Com)
PreferencesNew Totals
Geraghty (ALP) 850 77.27 12717 52.83
Travers (LIB) 250 22.73 11355 47.17
Wood (Com) -1100