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Illawarra - 1887 (Roll: 2,873)
Won by Free Trade
Nominations: Monday, 14 February 1887, Polling: Friday, 18 February 1887
Candidate Party Votes Votes %
Lysaght, Andrew (Defeated) Protectionist 748 44.34
Woodward, Francis (Elected) Free Trade 939 55.66
Formal Votes 1,687
Informal Votes 29 1.69
Total Votes / Turnout 1,716 59.73
Persons Voting / Turnout 1,716 59.73
Notes: At his nomination speech, Lysaght talked endlessly about being an Independent, but appeared to drift into the Protectionist orbit and has been classified as a Protectionist per the DT.
Source: Results of the poll published in the SMH on 19 February, p.7 col.1 and 28 February p.12 col.2 are both incorrect. Calculating totals from the table of booths published on 28 February comes to Woodward 939, Lysaght 745. Report of declaration of poll in SMH 22 February, p.4 col.1 reports a majority of 191 votes at the declaration of the poll. Results here have been derived using this margin and the total number of votes recorded in the Statistical Register. Later it was discovered that the Year-Book of Australia (1888) also published the totals used here.
Corrections: See note on sources indicating incorrect totals published in the Sydney Morning Herald.