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Parliament Unpacked - Ministers and Shadow Ministers

Parliament Unpacked - Ministers and Shadow Ministers

Robust debate is a feature of our Parliament. Often on the frontline are the Ministers, promoting the Government’s policies and achievements; and facing them are the Shadow Ministers, scrutinising the work conducted and putting forward alternative views and ideas.

Have you ever wondered what goes on behind the scenes in such a political spectacle? Are you curious about the daily lives of Ministers and Shadow Ministers – how they assess issues, form positions, and make decisions? If so, mark your calendars for the next instalment of Parliament Unpacked, where we will dive into the world of Ministers and Shadow Ministers.

This Parliament Unpacked is organised and delivered by the Parliament of NSW’s Communications, Engagement and Education branch, together with the Australasian Study of Parliament Group. The series is designed to provide a behind-the-scenes look at the workings of the Parliament and what lies beyond its walls. This is a free event.

When: Tuesday 17 October 2023, 5:30 pm – 6:30 pm

Where: Jubilee Room, NSW Parliament House

Have a question for the panel? Please submit your question to [email protected] by Monday 9 October.