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All bills (starting with 'A')

All bills (introduced in 3rd session of 44th Parliament)

This list contains bills introduced since 1856. LA means the Legislative Assembly, and LC means the Legislative Council.
Bill Title Origin Status House
Anglican Church of Australia Bill 1976 LA Assented - Act No 21 of 1976 LA
Appropriation Bill 1975 LA Assented - Act No 73 of 1975 LA
Australian Museum Trust Bill 1975 LA Assented - Act No 95 of 1975 LA
Builders Licensing (Amendment) Bill 1976 LA Assented - Act No 22 of 1976 LA
Bursary Endowment (Amendment) Bill 1975 LA Assented - Act No 52 of 1975 LA
Business Franchise Licences (Petroleum) Amendment and Repeal Bill 1976 LA Assented - Act No 10 of 1975 LA
Business Franchise Licences (Petroleum) Amendment Bill 1975 LA Assented - Act No 76 of 1975 LA
Business Franchise Licences (Tobacco) Bill 1975 LA Assented - Act No 63 of 1975 LA
Cattle Compensation (Amendment) Bill 1976 LA Assented - Act No 11 of 1976 LA
Church of England Constitutions (Amendment) Bill 1976 LA Assented - Act No 12 of 1976 LA
City of Goulburn Gas and Coke Company's (Amendment) Bill 1976 LC Lapsed on Prorogation
Private Member's Public Bill
Coal and Oil Shale Mine Workers (Superannuation) Amendment Bill 1975 LA Assented - Act No 66 of 1975 LA
Commercial Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 1975 LA Assented - Act No 105 of 1975 LA
Companies (Amendment) Bill 1975 LA Assented - Act No 1 of 1976 LA
Constitution and Other Acts (Amendment) Bill 1975 LA Assented - Act No 67 of 1975 LA
Courts of Petty Sessions (Civil Claims) Amendment Bill 1975 LA Assented - Act No 106 of 1975 LA
Credit Union (Amendment) Bill 1975 LA Assented - Act No 59 of 1975 LA
Crown Employees Appeal Board (Amendment) Bill 1975 LA Assented - Act No 54 of 1975 LA
Crown Lands and Other Acts (Amendment) Bill 1975 LA Assented - Act No 70 of 1975 LA
Crown Lands and Other Acts (Rents and Interest Rates) Amendment Bill 1975 LA Assented - Act No 96 of 1975 LA
Dangerous Goods Bill 1975 LA Assented - Act No 68 of 1975 LA
Daylight Saving (Referendum) Bill 1975 LA Assented - Act No 2 of 1976 LA
District Court (Further Amendment) Bill 1975 LA Assented - Act No 77 of 1976 LA
Education (Amendment) Bill 1975 LA Assented - Act No 55 of 1976 LA
Electricity Commission (Amendment) Bill 1976 LA Assented - Act No 23 of 1976 LA
Environmental Planning Bill 1976 LA Lapsed LA
Evidence (Amendment) Bill 1976 LA Assented - Act No 13 of 1976 LA
Farmers' Relief (Amendment) Bill 1976 LA Lapsed on Prorogation LA
Finance (Greyhound-racing Taxation) Management (Amendment) Bill 1975 LA Assented - Act No 78 of 1975 LA
Finance Taxation Management (Amendment) Bill 1975 LA Assented - Act No 79 of 1975 LA
Financial Agreement (Amendment) Bill 1976 LA Lapsed on Prorogation LA
First Offenders (Women) Repeal Bill 1975 LA Assented - Act No 5 of 1976 LA
Fruit Cases (Repeal) Bill 1975 LA Assented - Act No 80 of 1975 LA
Gaming and Betting (Amendment) Bill 1975 LA Assented - Act No 81 of 1975 LA
Gaming and Betting (Poker Machines) Taxation Amendment Bill 1975 LA Assented - Act No 99 of 1975 LA
General Loan Account Appropriation Bill 1975 LA Assented - Act No 74 of 1975 LA
Government Savings Bank (Amendment) Bill 1975 LA Assented - Act No 100 of 1975 LA
Governor's Salary (Amendment) Bill 1975 LA Assented - Act No 94 of 1975 LA
Hawkers (Amendment) Bill 1976 LA Assented - Act No 24 of 1976 LA
Height of Buildings (Metropolitan Police Disctricts) Repeal Bill 1976 LA Lapsed LA
Higher Education Bill 1975 LA Assented - Act No 47 of 1975 LA
Hunter District Water, Sewerage and Drainage (Amendment) Bill 1975 LA Assented - Act No 64 of 1975 LA
Hunter Valley Conservation Trust (Amendment) Bill 1975 LA Assented - Act No 60 of 1975 LA
Hunter Valley Flood Mitigation (Amendment) Bill 1975 LA Assented - Act No 61 of 1975 LA
Industrial Arbitration (Amendment) Bill 1975 LA Assented - Act No 82 of 1975 LA
Industrial Arbitration (Conciliation Commissioners) Amendment Bill 1976 LA Assented - Act No 25 of 1976 LA
Industrial Arbitration (Employment Agencies) Amendment Bill 1975 LA Assented - Act No 107 of 1975 LA
Infant Life Preservation Bill 1976 LA Lapsed
Private Member's Public Bill
Irrigation (Amendment) Bill 1976 LA Assented - Act No 14 of 1976 LA
Land Tax (Amendment) Bill 1975 LA Assented - Act No 83 of 1975 LA
Land Tax Management (Amendment) Bill 1975 LA Assented - Act No 97 of 1975 LA
Law of Evidence (pro forma) Bill 1975 LA Not Proceeded With LA
Law of Evidence Bill 1975 LC Not Proceeded With LC
Liquor (Further Amendment) Bill 1975 LA Assented - Act No 6 of 1976 LA
Local Government (Amendment) Bill 1975 LA Assented - Act No 26 of 1976 LA
Local Government (Further Amendment) Bill 1976 LA Lapsed LA
Local Government and Other Authorities (Superannuation) Amendment Bill 1975 LA Assented - Act No 101 of 1975 LA
Lotteries and Art Unions (Amendment) Bill 1975 LA Assented - Act No 48 of 1975 LA
Macquarie University (Amendment) Bill 1976 LA Lapsed LA
Main Roads and Other Acts (Amendment) Bill 1975 LA Assented - Act No 71 of 1975 LA
Maintenance (Amendment) Bill 1976 LA Lapsed LA
Metric Conversion Bill 1975 LA Assented - Act No 72 of 1975 LA
Metropolitan Water, Sewerage and Drainage (Amendment) Bill 1975 LA Assented - Act No 62 of 1975 LA
Mine Subsidence Compensation (Amendment) Bill 1975 LA Assented - Act No 69 of 1975 LA
Mines Inspection (Amendment) Bill 1975 LA Assented - Act No 56 of 1975 LA
Mines Inspection (Amendment) Bill 1976 LA Assented - Act No 15 of 1976 LA
Mines Rescue (Amendment) Bill 1975 LA Assented - Act No 102 of 1975 LA
Mining (Amendment) Bill 1976 LA Assented - Act No 27 of 1976 LA
Miscellaneous Acts (Administrative Changes) Amendment Bill 1975 LA Assented - Act No 65 of 1975 LA
Miscellaneous Acts (Administrative Changes) Amendment) Bill (No 2) 1975 LA Assented - Act No 84 of 1975 LA
Miscellaneous Acts (Inspectors) Amendment Bill 1976 LA Lapsed on Prorogation LA
Miscellaneous Acts Administrative Changes Amendment Bill 1976 LA Lapsed on Prorogation LA
Moneylending (Amendment) Bill 1975 LA Assented - Act No 85 of 1975 LA
National Fitness (Repeal) Bill 1975 LA Assented - Act No 7 of 1976 LA
New South Wales Retirement Benefits (Amendment) Bill 1976 LA Assented - Act No 28 of 1976 LA
Northumberland Insurance Company Limited Bill 1975 LA Assented - Act No 86 of 1975 LA
Parliamentary Electorates and Elections (Amendment) Bill 1975 LA Assented - Act No 108 of 1975 LA
Parliamentary Electorates and Elections (Amendment) Bill 1976 LA Assented - Act No 20 of 1976 LA
Parliamentary Papers (Supplementary Provisions) Bill 1975 LA Assented - Act No 49 of 1975 LA
Pastures Protection (Amendment) Bill 1976 LA Assented - Act No 29 of 1976 LA
Pay-roll Tax (Amendment) Bill 1975 LA Assented - Act No 87 of 1975 LA
Port Macquarie Entrance Improvement Works Bill 1976 LA Assented - Act No 16 of 1976 LA
Public Hospitals (Amendment) Bill 1976 LA Lapsed on Prorogation LA
Public Transport Commission (Amendment) Bill 1975 LA Assented - Act No 58 of 1975 LA
Public Transport Commission (Amendment) Bill 1976 LA Assented - Act No 30 of 1976 LA
Public Works (Amendment) Bill 1975 LA Assented - Act No 103 of 1975 LA
Public Works and Other Acts (Interest Rates) Amendment Bill 1976 LA Lapsed on Prorogation LA
Racing (Amendment) Bill 1975 LA Assented - Act No 88 of 1975 LA
Radioactive Substances (Amendment) Bill 1975 LA Assented - Act No 8 of 1976 LA
Registered Clubs Bill 1975 LA Assented - Act No 31 of 1976 LA
Registration of Births, Deaths and Marriages (Amendment) Bill 1975 LA Assented - Act No 57 of 1975 LA
Rivers and Foreshores Improvement (Amendment) Bill 1976 LA Assented - Act No 17 of 1976 LA
Sancta Sophia College Incorporation (Amendment) Bill 1976 LA Lapsed LA
Second-hand Dealers and Collectors (Amendment) Bill 1976 LA Lapsed on Prorogation LA
Securities Industry Bill 1975 LA Assented - Act No 3 of 1976 LA
Soccer Football Pools Bill 1975 LA Assented - Act No 45 of 1975 LA
Stamp Duties (Amendment) Bill 1975 LA Assented - Act No 75 of 1975 LA
State Planning Authority Bill 1976 LA Lapsed LA
Statute Law Revision Bill 1976 LA Lapsed on Prorogation LA
Statutory and Other Offices Remuneration Bill 1975 LA Assented - Act No 4 of 1976 LA
Strata Titles (Amendment) Bill 1976 LA Assented - Act No 18 of 1976 LA
Superannuation (Amendment) Bill 1975 LA Assented - Act No 98 of 1976 LA
Supply Bill 1975 LA Assented - Act No 46 of 1976 LA
Sydney Opera House (Amendment) Bill 1975 LA Assented - Act No 89 of 1976 LA
Sydney Sports Ground and Sydney Cricket Ground Amalgamation (Amendment) Bill 1976 LA Assented - Act No 19 of 1976 LA
Taree Municipal Council (Bourke Street Public Reserve Land Sale) Bill 1975 LC Assented
Private Member's Public Bill
Technical and Further Education (Amendment) Bill 1975 LA Assented - Act No 50 of 1976 LA
Totalizator (Amendment) Bill 1975 LA Assented - Act No 90 of 1976 LA
Totalizator (Off-Course Betting) Amendment Bill 1975 LA Assented - Act No 91 of 1976 LA
Traffic Authority Bill 1976 LA Assented - Act No 32 of 1976 LA
University and University Colleges (Amendment) Bill 1976 LA Lapsed LA
University of New England (Amendment) Bill 1976 LA Lapsed LA
University of New South Wales (Amendment) Bill 1976 LA Lapsed LA
University of Newcastle (Amendment) Bill 1976 LA Lapsed LA
University of Wollongong (Amendment) Bill 1976 LA Lapsed LA
Valuers Registration Bill 1975 LA Assented - Act No 92 of 1975 LA
Water (Amendment) Bill 1976 LA Assented - Act No 33 of 1976 LA
Water Resources Commission Bill 1976 LA Assented - Act No 34 of 1976 LA
Weights and Measures (Amendment) Bill 1975 LA Assented - Act No 93 of 1975 LA
Western Lands (Amendment) Bill 1976 LA Assented - Act No 9 of 1976 LA
Whittingham to Mount Thorley Railway Bill 1975 LA Assented - Act No 51 of 1975 LA
Wild Dog Destruction (Amendment) Bill 1975 LA Assented - Act No 53 of 1975 LA
Workers' Compensation (Further Amendment) Bill 1975 LA Assented - Act No 104 of 1975 LA