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2019 Coalition Election Policy Costings

2019 Coalition Election Policy Costings

​Note: Figures in tables have been rounded to the nearest thousand. Discrepancies between totals and the sum of components reflect rounding. Percentages, where shown, are based on underlying unrounded values.

Policy Name
​Link to Costing
​Link to Request
​Date Published
​Package for Small Business & Tradies (C003)
C003 - Costing.pdf
C003 - Request.pdf
​Fourteen New Service NSW Centres (C005)
C005 - Costing.pdf
C005 - Request.pdf
​Tweed Light Rail (C010)
C010 - Costing.pdf
C010 - Request.pdf
​Partnering with Landcare Communities in NSW to Conserve our Natural Environment and Resources (C015)C015 - Costing.pdf
C015 - Request.pdf
​4,600 Extra Teachers for NSW (C016)C016 - Costing.pdf
C016 - Request.pdf
​Helping Kids Get to School Safely (C017)C017 - Costing.pdf
C017 - Request.pdf
​Improving Access to National Parks (C020)C020 - Costing.pdf
C020 - Request.pdf
​Open Spaces (C023)C023 - Costing.pdf
C023 - Request.pdf
​CCTV Cameras to Make Our Streets Even Safer (C024)C024 - Costing.pdf
C024 - Request.pdf
​Standing Up for Farmers (Y025)Y025 - Costing.pdf
Y025 - Request.pdf
​$300 Million for New Commuter Car Parking (Y026)Y026 - Costing.pdf
Y026 - Request.pdf
​5,000 Nurses and Midwives (Y028)Y028 - Costing.pdf
Y028 - Request.pdf
​Empowering Homes Program (Y029)Y029 - Costing.pdf
Y029 - Request.pdf
​Regional Growth Buses (Y031)Y031 - Costing.pdf
Y031 - Request.pdf
​Upgrading 68 More Train Stations (Y032)Y032 - Costing.pdf
Y032 - Request.pdf
​Sustainable Schools (Y033)Y033 - Costing.pdf
Y033 - Request.pdf
​Taxi Transport Subsidy Scheme (TTSS) and the Wheelchair Accessible Taxi Driver Incentive Scheme (WATDIS) (Y034)Y034 - Costing.pdf
Y034 - Request.pdf
​Volunteer Rescue Support on the Rise (Y035)Y035 - Costing.pdf
Y035 - Request.pdf
NSW Leads in Paediatric Operations (Y037)Y037 - Costing.pdf
Y037 - Request.pdf
​Record Boost to Palliative Care Workforce in NSW (Y038)Y038 - Costing.pdf
Y038 - Request.pdf
​Rural and Regional Hub and Spoke Trials (Y040)Y040 - Costing.pdf
Y040 - Request.pdf
​Roads to Home (Y041)Y041 - Costing.pdf
Y041 - Request.pdf
​More Cycling and Pedestrian Infrastructure (Y042)Y042 - Costing.pdf
Y042 - Request.pdf
​Opal Park and Ride Expansion (Y043)Y043 - Costing.pdf
Y043 - Request.pdf
​Multicultural Aged Care Facilities (Y044)Y044 - Costing.pdf
Y044 - Request.pdf
​Counselling and Mental Health Support for Students (Y045)Y045 - Costing.pdf
Y045 - Request.pdf
​Regional Workforce Boost (Y046)Y046 - Costing.pdf
Y046 - Request.pdf
​Western Sydney Startup Hub for Western Sydney Businesses (Y047)Y047 - Costing.pdf
Y047 - Request.pdf
​10,000 Additional Cataract Surgeries (Y048)Y048 - Costing.pdf
Y048 - Request.pdf
​Thousands More Seats on South Coast Trains (Y049)Y049 - Costing.pdf
Y049 - Request.pdf
​Urban Road Upgrade and Congestion Program (Y050)Y050 - Costing.pdf
Y050 - Request.pdf
​Regional Road Upgrades (Y051)Y051 - Costing.pdf
Y051 - Request.pdf
​Regional Seniors Transport Card (Y052)Y052 - Costing.pdf
Y052 - Request.pdf
​Western Sydney Construction Hub (Y053)Y053 - Costing.pdf
Y053 - Request.pdf
​ANSTO Nuclear Medicine and Technology Precinct (Y054)Y054 - Costing.pdf
Y054 - Request.pdf
​Water Security for NSW (Y055)Y055 - Costing.pdf
Y055 - Request.pdf
​Record Capital Funding Boost for Non-Government Schools (Y056)Y056 - Costing.pdf
Y056 - Request.pdf
​Repairing Local Roads (Y057)Y057 - Costing.pdf
Y057 - Request.pdf
​Regional Digital Connectivity (Y059)Y059 - Costing.pdf
Y059 - Request.pdf
​Support for McGrath Foundation (Y060)Y060 - Costing.pdf
Y060 - Request.pdf
​Expansion of Farm Innovation Fund (Y061)Y061 - Costing.pdf
Y061 - Request.pdf
​TAFE Connected Learning Centres (Y062)Y062 - Costing.pdf
Y062 - Request.pdf
​Vocational Schools Pilot Program (Y064)Y064 - Costing.pdf
Y064 - Request.pdf
​Police Stations (Y065)Y065 - Costing.pdf
Y065 - Request.pdf
​Expansion of Productivity Bootcamp (Y066)Y066 - Costing.pdf
Y066 - Request.pdf
​NSW Motor Sport Strategy (Y067)Y067 - Costing.pdf
Y067 - Request.pdf
​Water Quality Investigations in the Terrigal Beach Catchment and at Tuggerah Lakes (Y068)Y068 - Costing.pdf
Y068 - Request.pdf
​Support for Multicultural Community Festivals and Projects (Y069)Y069 - Costing.pdf
Y069 - Request.pdf
​More Express Trains for Western Sydney (Y070)Y070 - Costing.pdf
Y070 - Request.pdf
​70,000 Fee Free Traineeships (Y071)Y071 - Costing.pdf
Y071 - Request.pdf
​Help Mature Aged Workers Get Back into the Workforce (Y072)Y072 - Costing.pdfY072 - Request.pdf
Replacing Country Bridges (Y073)Y073 - Costing.pdf
Y073 - Request.pdf
​Fast Rail (Y074)Y074 - Costing.pdf
Y074 - Request.pdf
​Sydney, Central Coast, Lower Hunter and Illawarra Growth Buses (Y075)Y075 - Costing.pdf
Y075 - Request.pdf
​Reducing Procurement Spending, Saving Taxpayer Dollars (Y076)Y076 - Costing.pdf
Y076 - Request.pdf
Giving More Women Access To IVF (Y077)Y077 - Costing.pdf
Y077 - Request.pdf
​Record Health Building Boom to Continue in NSW (Y078)Y078 - Costing.pdf
Y078 - Request.pdf
​Goulburn Residential Rehabilitation with step-up, step-down support (Y079)Y079 - Costing.pdf
Y079 - Request.pdf
​Record Investment in NSW Schools Infrastructure (Y080)Y080 - Costing.pdf
Y080 - Request.pdf
​Accelerating Sydney Metro West (Y081)Y081 - Costing.pdf
Y081 - Request.pdf
​Helping Women to Start Their Own Business (Y082)Y082 - Costing.pdf
Y082 - Request.pdf
Fire Station in Lismore (Y083)Y083 - Costing.pdfY083 - Request.pdf​​​​18/03/2019
​Before and After School Care (Y084)Y084 - Costing.pdf
Y084 - Request.pdf
​Preschool Capital Works (Y085)Y085 - Costing.pdf
Y085 - Request.pdf
​Great Artesian Basin Infrastructure Investment (GABII) Program (Y086)Y086 - Costing.pdf
Y086 - Request.pdf
​Improving Amenity in NSW Public Schools (Y087)Y087 - Costing.pdf
Y087 - Request.pdf
​Huge Boost to Lifeline and Kids Helpline Funding (Y088)Y088 - Costing.pdf
Y088 - Request.pdf
​Country University Centres (Y089)Y089 - Costing.pdf
Y089 - Request.pdf
​Renewable Energy Boost (Y090)Y090 - Costing.pdf
Y090 - Request.pdf
​Reduce the Weekly Opal Travel Cap to $50 (Y092)Y092 - Costing.pdf
Y092 - Request.pdf
​More Care for Kids with Allergies (Y093)Y093 - Costing.pdf
Y093 - Request.pdf
Electric Buses and Bus Depot for Randwick (Y095)Y095 - Costing.pdf
Y095 - Request.pdf
​Dairy Action Plan (Y096)Y096 - Costing.pdf
Y096 - Request.pdf
​NSW Border Wild Dog Exclusion Fence (Y097)Y097 - Costing.pdf
Y097 - Request.pdf​​​​​​18/03/2019
​Queanbeyan Courthouse (Y098)Y098 - Costing.pdf
Y098 - Request.pdf
​Supporting Local Communities (Y099)Y099 - Costing.pdf
Y099 - Request.pdf